“I would stop scrapbooking, but my momma didn’t raiser a quitter.”
One of the lessons this pandemic has taught me is that scrapbooking brings me joy. Yes, I scrapbook to share my pages with my family. Like this picture taken just 2 weeks ago when the Packers were playing in the NFL Championship game. Seeing their smiling faces as they look at the memories of this past summer touches my heart. And I love that I have preserved that memory for Ada. She will always be able to look at these pages and remember the first time Gigi took her to the park.
I have always known that sharing my pages and preserving memories was my why for scrapbooking. But what I have learned this year is that I enjoy the process. I get pleasure from selecting my photos, determining the layout, keeping it simple or making it creative and even journaling the story. As I look down at the finished page, I feel a sense of accomplishment and joy.
This year has taught me the importance of finding that inner joy. What brings you joy?